Our Local Transport Plan (LTP) Core Strategy sets out why we want to change our region to:
- improve accessibility
- reduce traffic
- electrify transport
In the LTP Core Strategy, we set out the building blocks for how we can achieve our vision and objectives for the region. Behaviour change is key to unlocking enhanced delivery of our aims. The behaviour changes that help are summarised using the ‘avoid, shift and improve’ model.
From this, we have created our 6 Big Moves. Each move lays out:
- principles
- policies
- in some cases, specific interventions
These will help us to achieve our goals under a themed area of action. We want to move the West Midlands forwards. We'll work with residents and businesses to achieve this and make changes for the better.
You can read a summary of the 6 Big Moves here.
The 6 Big Moves

Behaviour Change

Accessible and Inclusive Places

Walk, Wheel, Cycle and Scoot

Public Transport and Shared Mobility

Safe, Efficient and Reliable Network