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Road Safety Strategy

Our statutory duties

Under the Road Traffic Act 1988, the Mayor of the West Midlands and seven Local Authorities have concurrent statutory duties to:

Our strategy outlines our approach to delivering against this statutory duty. In addition, some authorities have created a local strategy to ensure a focus on local road safety challenges.

Regional Road Safety Action Plan

To achieve this significant reduction in road harm, a plan is required that clearly sets out the actions required, roles and responsibilities and timeframes for delivery by which performance can be monitored.

The plan also needs to align with the delivery of a systematic approach to improving road safety (Safe System), that demands the use of a robust evidence-base, collective and collaborative working, innovation and acknowledgement that road users make mistakes.

This is the Regional Road Safety Action Plan 2024-2030 (RRSAP).

Objectives of the Regional Road Safety Action Plan 2024-2030

Read our action plan

Refreshed Road Safety Strategy

We're working towards Vision Zero, a long-term mission where nobody is killed or seriously injured on our roads. By 2030 we aim to have halved the number of road deaths and serious injuries.

In 2023 we launched our Refreshed Regional Road Safety Strategy. Our strategy sets out the principles we will follow to achieve our aim. These are:

The Refreshed Regional Road Safety Strategy supports the delivery of our Local Transport Plan (LTP) by aiming to create a safe road environment for all road users.

Read our strategy.

Sign up for updates

We will be sharing opportunities for you to contribute to plans for improving road safety in the region. 
