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Who we are

Transport for West Midlands and West Midlands Combined Authority logos

Transport for West Midlands and West Midlands Combined Authority logos

Delivering a better connected, more prosperous, fairer, greener and healthier West Midlands

Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) is part of the West Midlands Combined Authority. We work with bus and train operators to make sure that public transport is:

  • safe
  • reliable
  • affordable
  • accessible for everyone

We own and run West Midlands Metro, which is the region’s tram service. We also run the Swift smartcard. This flexible, cashless ticket is the most-used outside London.

Funding throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic

We do not run the buses or trains, but we work on these services with bus and train operators. We’re part of the West Midlands Rail Executive and West Midlands Bus Alliance.

We’re responsible for monitoring and improving road safety in the West Midlands. We look after the 23 busiest routes in the region. This is called the Key Route Network.

We also manage the Regional Transport Coordination Centre for the West Midlands. The centre monitors our transport network. It will help keep the region moving during major events like the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

Our team

Find out who’s who at Transport for West Midlands.

What we do

We want to improve public transport in the West Midlands. We’re investing £5 billion up to 2026 to do this. We also manage and improve transport infrastructure. This includes things like bus lanes, stations and roads. Find out about what we’re doing.

Our strategy

We’re responsible for the region’s transport strategy. Our long-term plan is called Movement for Growth. It explains how we’ll improve public transport in the West Midlands between now and 2026. Find out more about our aims and how we’ll meet them.


Read news about our campaigns, projects and strategies on the West Midlands Combined Authority website.
