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E-scooters in the West Midlands

The e-scooter hire scheme is now available in the Birmingham trial zone alongside hundreds of West Midlands Cycle Hire bikes. 

Available through the Beryl app the e-scooters cost £1 to unlock and 20p per minute to use.

Riders must be aged over 18 and provide a valid UK Driving Licence to use the West Midlands e-scooter scheme. The e-scooters can be used on roads, cycle lanes, carriageways and other areas where cycling is permitted but not on pavements.

The new scheme also includes a number of features designed to make it as safe as possible for users and pedestrians. This includes driving licence scanning technology with selfie verification on sign up and further checks when moving account to a new device. There will also be both random and targeted selfie verification checks to deter misuse.

The app is available for download on the App Store for iOS and the Google Play Store for Android users, providing a truly integrated sustainable transport scheme for the region.

Available e-scooters, Beryl bays and operating zones are all visible in the app.


We operate a Pay As You Ride and Pass model. These are purchased in the Beryl App.

Pay As You Ride

  • Best for a single ride.
  • Best for single ride or occasional journeys


Unlock Fee

Price per minute





You can purchase 2 types of passes: a Day Pass and the Flexi Pass.

Day Pass

  • No unlock fees
  • Valid for 24 hours


  • No unlock fees
  • Valid for 30 days
  • 30 minute journey limit


Per Minute

Day Pass


Rate per minute: £0.15p.

Total Minutes: 60



Rate per minute: £0.11p.

Total Minutes: 300

Scoot Happy Training

Beryl offers both in-person and digital training courses designed to provide a helpful introduction, tips and pointers for using your Beryl scooter. For more information on these courses, visit Scoot Happy.

Parking Fees

Out of bay charge

£10 convenience fee will be charged for e-scooters left outside of a Beryl bay. 

Out of zone fee

£20 convenience fee will be charged for e-scooters locked outside the Beryl zone. 

If the e-scooter is not brought back into the operating zone within 24 hours, an additional £80 fee will be charged to cover the cost of recovering the e-scooter.

Unlocked e-scooter fee

Our e-scooters are unlocked and locked directly from the Beryl app. It's your responsibility to end every ride you take to make sure the e-scooter is secure and ready for the next rider.

A flat fee of £30 will be charged to cover the cost of us sending our operations team out to lock the e-scooter on your behalf.

Frequently Asked Questions

Beryl currently operates e-scooter share schemes in Bournemouth and Poole, Norwich and the Isle of Wight as part of the ongoing Department for Transport UK-wide trial scheme.

Riders must be aged 18+ and provide a valid UK Driving Licence to use Beryl e-scooters.

Beryl e-scooters can be used on roads, cycle lanes, carriageways and other areas where cycling is permitted but not on pavements. Every Beryl e-scooter has vehicle approval from the Department for Transport (DfT), ensuring it meets the highest safety standards. Beryl has and will continue to consult with key organisations as the trial progresses.

To begin a trip with a Beryl e-scooter, users just need to follow the simple in-app directions that will unlock the vehicle for use. At the end of their ride, users must lock the scooter via the app and will hear a chime from the scooter to register that it is locked. Beryl e-scooters available to hire are visible both on the street and in the app.

Beryl has been operating micromobility systems successfully in the U.K. for over four years, generating over 4.7m journeys across multiple schemes in that time. Safety is paramount to them and they have introduced many features and initiatives to ensure that their e-scooter trial schemes run as safely as possible.

A number of safety measures are built into the e-scooters:

  • All e-scooters are capped at a top speed of 12.5 mph
  • Geo-fencing has also been used to introduce temporary ‘Go-Slow’ and ‘No-Go’ zones to further ensure rider and pedestrian safety in areas where high footfall is expected.
  • Beryl provides users with as much information on safety and training as possible, including in-app pre-ride onboarding, safety messaging and incentivised online training.
  • Beryl runs Scoot Happy, an in-person safety and skills training module delivered by qualified Bikeability instructors.
  • Partner local councils are given the option to work with Beryl to install signage to remind customers scooting is not permitted in pedestrianised areas; particularly pedestrianised high streets.
  • As an extra layer of security, Beryl utilises the latest licence scanning technology, including selfie verification to further discourage anyone from trying to ride illegally.
  • Beryl also undertakes randomised recertification checks to ensure the licence holder is the one using the vehicle.

In 2022 Beryl launched Scoot Happy, an in-person safety and skills training module delivered by qualified Bikeability instructors. For riders that are unable to attend, Beryl also offers digital Scoot Happy training, co-written by the Bikeability Trust. You can find more information on Scoot Happy here.

Available e-scooters, Beryl Bays and operating zones are all visible in the Beryl app.

Users that park a hired e-scooter outside of a Beryl bay will be charged a convenience fee, while users that lock a Beryl e-scooter outside of the operating zone will be charged an out of zone fee. These fees cover operational costs associated with returning vehicles to a bay for another use to ride.

We work extensively with local authorities and police forces before and during operation of the schemes and, as part of our tendering process, we work with local communities, groups and stakeholders. Each e-scooter has a unique number allowing members of the public to report misuse of e-scooters, and Beryl are able to track them at all times using their industry-leading ‘Smart’ GPS system. Beryl retains the option to suspend and ban/remove accounts for improper use of the scheme.

Beryl’s Customer Support team are quick and easy to contact and are highly responsive, achieving an average response time of under two minutes and a customer satisfaction rating of over 88% for 3 years in a row. You can contact them by phone on +44 020 3003 5044 between 7am and 9pm Mon-Sun, by email at or through the Beryl app. For emergencies, please contact 999.

Beryl operates an e-scooter system based on designated parking areas called Beryl bays. Users who park outside a Beryl bay or an operating zone will incur a fee (see above). Beryl’s smart sensor contains a tip-sensor that notifies them of any e-scooters that have fallen over and these are tidied by on-street teams. Beryl also sends regular in-app notifications to encourage proper use of the scheme and offer incentivised online training, in-person Scoot Happy training
